About the Journal
The Upper Rhine Artificial Intelligence Symposium is the annual scientific conference and networking event of the tri-national AI research community of TriRhenaTech.
The TriRhenaTech alliance is a network of universities in the Upper Rhine Trinational Metropolitan Region comprising of the German universities of applied sciences in Furtwangen, Kaiserslautern, Karlsruhe, and Offenburg, the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Loerrach, the French university network Alsace Tech (comprised of 14 'grandes écoles' in the fields of engineering, architecture and management) and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. The alliance's common goal is to reinforce the transfer of knowledge, research, and technology, as well as the cross-border mobility of students.
Current Issue

URAI 2024 was hosted by the Institute for Machine Learning and Analytics at Offenburg University on November 13th and 14th. The theme for URAI'24 was "Applied AI in the age of Generative AI".
All submissions received at least two independent reviews from members of the PC in a single blind setting. The papers were accepted for oral or poster presentation.General chairs: Klaus Dorer (HS Offenburg) and Janis Keuper (HS Offenburg)
Program Committee: Klaus Dorer (HS Offenburg), Uwe Haneke (HS Karlsruhe), Janis Keuper (HS Offenburg), Thomas Lampert (Université de Strasbourg), Tobias Lauer (HS Offenburg), Jean-Philippe Lauffenburger (Université de Haute-Alsace), Stefan Naumann (HS Trier), Daniela Oelke (HS Offenburg), Maja Temerinac-Ott (HS Furtwangen), Christoph Reich (HS Furtwangen), Susanne Suter (FH Nordwestschweiz), Dieter Wallach (HS Kaiserslautern)
Website: http://urai24.org
ISBN: 978-3-943301-34-2